Helena Juhlin Pink

Helena Juhlin Pink is an advisor within digital strategy and transformation with more than 15 years of experience driving successful businesses within the digital world.

An entrepreneur at heart, Ms Juhlin Pink started her first record shop at age eighteen. The business soon grew to five shops in total across Sweden and Denmark and became the market leader in each new city where it established.

In 2005 Ms Juhlin Pink became one of Google’s first hires in the Nordic countries, helping the tech giant establish themselves in the region. Here she worked with some of the top brands as well as agencies in the Nordic, helping them to better understand digital and how to use digital tools to enhance their business.

In 2009 Ms Juhlin Pink left Google and moved to the UK where she worked for brands such as Nokia and Expedia and helped them build and grow their e-commerce businesses.

In 2013 she relocated to the US and San Francisco where she was an integral part in building Adobe’s B2B e-commerce function as part of their SaaS transformation. Ms Juhlin Pink was one of the driving forces behind moving a major part of Adobe’s sales online, turning the brand into a true e-commerce player.

Returning to Stockholm in 2017 Ms Juhlin Pink now works as an advisor within digital strategy and help businesses find ways to achieve growth by better using their digital capabilities. Her work includes projects for companies such as Spotify, Lantmännen and Fortnox.

In addition to her work as an independent advisor Ms Juhlin Pink also works as a non-executive board director at Avoki on behalf of Nalka Invest and also as Chairwoman of the board of Mobile Interaction.